
Our XXV th ANNIVERSARY Program is:

LLENAR EL VACÍO (Filling the Void)

Year: 2018

Choreography: Isabel Beteta

Duration: 25 minutes aprox.

Costumes: Nemian

Light design: Gloria Minauro.

Music: Leticia Armijo, Silvano Michelino, Gluk


The piece is being created specially to be premiered on the 25th anniversary  of the company in Bellas Artes (Mexico’s opera house).

In the work we attempt to answer the basic questions about the sense of what we do in life.

Theoretically we are born as an unwritten page- I dare say this is relative, since we are genetically shaped and culturally charged from the day we are born.

We follow a road of “education” – we could call it conditioning- and finally there is a gap of “liberty” that we fill with our beliefs, thoughts, actions and phantasies till the day we die. What do we leave for others or for those to come ? We don’t know, but there is always the desire  to leave something for the next generations to fill their Void.

The piece consists of some 5 connected scenes beginning and ending with areal dance ( first cocoons, at the end shrouds) .