A LA SOMBRA DEL ALBA (In the Shadow of Dawn)
(Based on the “Casa de Bernarda Alba” by Federico García Lorca)
Year: 2013
Choreography: Javier Amado
Duration: 30 minutes
Dancers: Rosario Verea, Eustorgio Guzmán, Isabel Beteta, Javier Amado, María de Jesús Bautista.
Lighting: César Guerra
Music: original by Andrea Espinoza and popular Spanish music.
A la Sombra del Alba (In the Shadow of Dawn):
After the death of her second husband Bernarda Alba imposes on her five daughters a long and rigorous mourning seclusion. It is an exaggeration of a real custom, taken to incredible extremes; but it is precisely this exaggeration which places the story in a legendary, symbolic practically mythological plane.
In such circumstances, extreme situations, conflicts are generated and increase with incredible force to the point of exasperation.
The catalyst to the situation is the presence of Pepe el Romano, who is Angustias betrothed. She is the eldest daughter and heiress; but he is atracted to the youth and beauty of Adela, the youngest, and is coveted in turn by, Martirio.